Hello everyone:)
I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday but as I say a lot, my internet broke (yes again it's silly I know!)
It started working at about 10-11pm last night so I'm posting today instead:)
This is a tag that I saw on Sineady Cady's Youtube Channel and I thought I would post it.
Feel free to do this tag yourself! You can either comment with your answers with a comment or you can do it on your blog! (Please comment with a link if you do this tag.)
So onto the questions!
Vital stats;
1. Name
My name is Molly. (I'm not going to write my surname sorry.)
2. Nicknames
I don't have any nicknames.
3. Birthday
My birthday is 19th June.
4. Place of birth
I was born in Welwyn Garden City:)
5. Star sign
6. Occupation
I am in full-time education.
1. Hair colour
Dark brown.
2. Hair length
3. Eye colour
It sounds weird but I'm sure my eye colour looks different everyday? Its green/blue.
4. Best feature
I don't really think I have a best feature haha.
5. Braces
Never had braces:)
6. Piercings
Only my ears.
7. Tattoos
8. Righty or lefty
1. Best friend
My friend Bridie was my first best friend:)
2. Award
I have one medal from gymnastics when I was younger and I have some certficates.
3. Sport
4. Real holiday
I went to Lands End when I was 6yrs old and then Spain every year except this year.
5. Concert
S Club 7 and S Club Juniors concert. I was very young and can't remember it haha.
1. Film
I have absolutely no idea! If it's counted as a film I would say The Inbetweeners.
2. TV show
The Big Bang Theory! I love this programme, definitely one to make you happy:)
3. Colour
Pinks, lilac and teal/turquoise:)
4. Song
I'm not sure to be honest. I'd say at the moment it's probably Primadonna by Marina and the Diamonds.
5. Restaurant
I'm not really one to go to a restaurant in England so it would have to be my two favourites in Spain - Scallops or Monrose Carvery:D
6. Store
Hmm.. I don't really buy many clothes at the moment but for the ones I've found the most I like from are Topshop and Missguided.
7. Book
Ummm.... probably the 'Need series' by Carrie Jones.
8. Shoes
My cream shoes from Peacocks:) (I'll upload an image to this post when I can.)
1. Feeling
Hungry and happy:)
2. Single or taken
I am single.
3. Eating
4. Listening to
The tele.
5. Thinking about
How long are the rest of the questions going to take and when I will get my missing money back haha.
6. Watching
The Big Bang Theory:D
7. Wearing
Navy skinny jeans and a purple top.
1. Want children?
Not sure, maybe?:P
2. Want to be married?
Yes I would like to be married:)
3. Careers in mind
I did want to be a photographer but now I'm thinking either a make-up artist or a nail technician.
4. Where do you want to live?
I'm not sure. I think I'll stay in England but would love to visit America.
Do you believe in...
1. God
No (I'm sorry!)
2. Miracles
I'm not sure really:S
3. Love at first sight
I don't think so
4. Ghosts
Not really...
5. Aliens
Same as ghosts really.
6. Soul mates
Umm... I'm not sure:S
7. Heaven and hell.
I don't think so. It would be nice if there was a heaven!
8. Kissing on the first date
Not really:P
9. Yourself
Haha, no I don't...
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this and maybe it might inspire you to do this tag:)